HF Ham radio Sky Loop 80 40 20 15 and 10 meters and 2.5 to 1 balun hang-n-go
$ 76.55
- Description
- Size Guide
You are looking at a very talented homebrew skyloop HF ham radio antenna called the AG6IF Talented Balun and LoopIt consists of:
16g about 260 foot of insulated wire with split ring terminals on the ends. I am currently using GREEN colored wire that is holding up alot better than the clear wire which is pictured.
Honestly, It's cheaper to obtain your own wire locally, but I offer it at a premium price for those that insist on wire with their balun.
Custom designed and built 2.5 to 1 Balun with SO239 connector.
Sorry, no international shipping due to over weight, not allowed with USPS international. Buy the Balun and obtain 260 feet of copper locally, 16awg works nicely
The Antenna has been tweaked and tuned to work on low end of 80 meters, and very wide banded on 40 meters, 20 meters, 15 meters, and 10 meters (no tuner should be needed, depending on your rig), and WARC bands of 12m and 17m also.
30m WARC and 6m bands will require using a tuner.
I have included a picture showing the SWR and Theta sweep from 2mhz to 30mhz, which was made with an AIM4170C analyzer.
This antenna has been hung and tuned, and tested, and is ready for you to suspend from 3 trees, or 3 PVC pipes even, and add your own coax.
If you are looking at this, you are probably a ham, therefore, check my QRZ page for some diagrams and other info. I have worked most of the
world on this little setup, with the longest being Kenya at about 9,700 miles, using 40 watts.
I am running a triangle horizontal delta loop configuration but you can hang a square if you like, My antenna height is only 6 feet at the corners and 14 feet at the Balun.
I have been asked 'why dont I sell these?' So, here it is.
2 emails below from Talented Balun Customers.
hello Jim:
Been a while since i reported in.
i put up a loop at my home qth using one of your Talented Baluns
like the one i put up at my cottage.
i have had it up here at home now two months.
i have now worked 67 countries !
the loop is cut for 80 meters, it is up 25 feet.
sure works great on 60 meters also.
And to the frequent question of power handling, the Talented Balun has been customer tested up to ALS600 Amplifier rated at 650 watts, as well as customer tested with 700 watts just fine..
I now use a new Kenwood Ts 590 with a ameritron Als 600 amplifier.
I very rarely use the amp.don't need it.
90 % of my dx contacts are barefoot with 100 watts and I receive s9
or better. When the signaled are weak I turn on the amp and run 650 watts no problem.
I got a report or 20 db over s9 this morning from Paris France on ten meters with 100 watts !
Got a report earlier this week of 20 over from Saudi Arabia ! again with 100 Watts .
That loop is amazing.
Used the Sky Loop this weekend and it was brilliant. Just running 10 watts for the John Moyle
contest in Australia. From Adelaide, South Australia worked every state across the nation. Great antenna. Kind regards, Rick VK5
From 4-2017
No question, just a thanks for this amazing loop! This is the 2nd I ve purchased from you, and I can t imagine HF
without it anymore. The quality is the best and I just can t beat the performance with any product, price be damned.
I hang it high in my trees in a 4corner configuration and it performs like a boss.
Thanks again, keep up the great work, and I m about to take a peek at these tube cubes. :)
Kevin (KF7ZSF)
These are easily made using or dollars worth of parts, but I spend about 2 hours constructing the Balun, then I tune and test the antenna.
The balun works excellent with alternate loops wires also..
2m = 7 feet
10m = 35 feet
20m = 64 feet
40m = 127 feet
80m = 260 feet
160m = 520 feet
Another happy customer.
Just a note to say how much I love the AG6IF balun. I am running a full wave 80 meter loop. The West side is at 45' high, the East side is a 12' high. I work strictly FT8. I achieved WAC in the first week. I achieved WAS in less than one month. I have the loop tuned to the digital frequencies.
I do not
a tuner. My SWR readings are as follows.
Band Freq SWR
80m 3.573 1.6
40m 7.074 1.9
20m 14.074 1.2
17m 18.100 1.5
15m 21.074 1.3
12m 24.915 1.3
10m 28.074 1.8
I used an 80 meter loop years ago fed with ladder line. I had good results, but had to
a tuner for other bands. This is great! No knobs to turn.
Look for me on PSKREPORTER this antenna gets out.
This listing includes the Balun and loop wire for a 80m installation, cut for bottom of band, trimming a bit off will allow you to position the sweet spot to your liking.
Sorry, due to weight limits, can not ship the 80m wire version internationally.
Order the Balun, and obtain 260 feet of wire locally if you wish.
73 from AG6IF